Great North Walk - Fastest Known Time Attempt

November 05, 2021

Great North Walk - Fastest Known Time Attempt

Great North Walk - Fastest Known Time Attempt

On Friday 5th November starting at 5am at Circular Quay – Salomon Athlete Vlad Shatrov is attempting to run the Great North Walk from Sydney to Newcastle.

This run is mainly in isolated bushland and is approximately 270km in length! Raising awareness and funds for RunDIPG - Vlad’s crew will be posting regular updates throughout the expected 35 hour plus journey!

Follow Vlad’s social channels for live updates throughout the journey. We would love to see as many of the Salomon community at the finish line at Queens Wharf in Newcastle on Saturday 6th November.

All the best Vlad!

Your Salomon Family

Facebook: @VladShatrov.ProTrailRunner
IG: @vlad_protrailrunner